Inpatient · Treatment

Why are there so many different types of pasta?

This blog is all about asking the big questions. But seriously, why are there so many different types of pasta? I’ve been here before. Standing in a supermarket aisle, panicking. What am I supposed to pick? Why is there so much choice? I just want some pasta. But I am overwhelmed by the choice. Pasta… Continue reading Why are there so many different types of pasta?

Community Support & Outpatient Therapy · Living with anorexia · Treatment

The watched phone never rings

Deep breaths.  Stay calm.   Dialling tone. “Hello, Eating Disorders Service.  How can I help?” Deep breaths.  Stay calm. “Would it be possible to speak to Dr. Nolan please?” More deep breaths.  Still staying calm. “He’s in clinic at the moment, I can get him to call you back.” “Ok, thank you.” The waiting begins.… Continue reading The watched phone never rings